Savona. This Saturday the final of the first official Italian artistic competition of “ART Battle” took place in the prestigious premises of the Genoese club “Casa Mia”, which also saw the participation of the Savonese artist Paolo Pastorino.
The event, born in Canada and promoted in Italy thanks to the event manager Cristina Sanfelice, saw a good turnout from the public. The competition took place live: 12 artists had 20 minutes to transform their white canvases into works of art and then the public declared the winner.
Among the artists in the competition there was also the artist Paolo Pastorino who with his painting “Don’t Kill the Lion King” promotes a protest against the mistreatment of animals and against hunting. The work created in just 20 minutes represents the proud and imposing figure of a lion with three holes on the forehead: “The gesture of piercing the canvas – explains Pastorino – represents the bullet as a sign of death, overwhelmed by the proud gaze of the lion who seems challenge his executioner. A strong symbolism for a very important theme”.