Another weekend with art in the spotlight arrives. Today at 6:30 PM at the “GulliArte” gallery on Corso Italia in Savona, the exhibition of artist Antonio Quattrini will be inaugurated, while at Kelyfos Art&Design Gallery on Via Isola in Albissola at 6 PM, “Bang bangboom: ceramics in pop”, a three-person exhibition by Gianluca Cutrupi, Paolo Pastorino, and Roby Giannotti will be opened. Quattrini’s exhibition, “Percorsi: sculture, ceramiche, disegni” (Paths: sculptures, ceramics, drawings), will be presented by Elena Casero. The project, by Antonella Gulli, will offer a range of works made with different materials, but with ceramics at the center of attention: 30 works including refractory ceramic sculptures and drawings. Hours: every day from 11 AM to 12:30 PM and from 4 PM to 8 PM. In Albissola, three guests will be at Kelyfos Art&Design Gallery. The exhibition “Bang bang boom: ceramics in pop” showcases the works of Cutrupi, Pastorino, and Giannotti, three artists united by friendship. Ceramic tradition is in fact interpreted in a personal, fresh, and even ironic way. The exhibition can be visited on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 4:30 PM to 7 PM, on Saturday from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM and from 4:30 PM to 7 PM, on Sunday from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Today at 5:30 PM in Pozzo Garitta, the exhibition “Contenitori di emozioni” (Containers of Emotions) will be inaugurated. Hours: Saturday and Sunday 5 PM-7 PM.
Da il Secolo XIX