The capital of ceramics celebrates the Pastorino family

Vernissage in the ancient Alba Docilia furnace
of the historical exhibition “From father to son”

The capital of ceramics celebrates one of the great families who wrote its history. Today, in the ancient Alba Docilia furnace, the exhibition “From father to son – Le Ceramiche Pastorino”, curated by Enrica Noceto, will be inaugurated. And it is no coincidence that the first exhibition of 2019 will open at 5.30 pm, retracing the journey of one of the most well-known names in Albissola ceramics, Mario “Gianni” Pastorino. A surname that gives
75 years represents one of the greatest points of reference of that cultural ferment born in the post-war period with Mario Pastorino and today carried forward by his son Paolo.

From his first steps, taken at the age of just 15 as a potter in the Albisola terracotta factories, up to his artistic maturity, Mario Pastorino’s life was studded with adventures and important encounters. Among the first people with whom he had to deal obviously stands out Eliseo Salino, technical director just as Pastorino modeled cups as an apprentice, who introduced him to Giovanni Poggi.
A trio destined to do great things, so much so that in 1958 together they founded Ceramiche San Giorgio, an emblazoned brand that is now carried on by the Poggi family.
The following year, the long collaboration between Albissola ceramics and Denmark began. In 1963, however, Pastorino hooked up with Lavazza, which was looking for a factory to produce its cups, and founded his own company, Ceramiche Pastorino. In his life comes the painter Mirella Fiore, who soon becomes his wife. In 1998 the decision to close the company to retire to “cultivate” ceramics for simple passion. But his name does not disappear: his son Paolo, who has also chosen the profession of IT entrepreneur, continues to carry on the family tradition. He does it by combining his technical skills with artistic ones, focusing on experimentation with ceramics, computer digital photography, replacing brushes with airbrushes and arriving at 3D printing. The exhibition will remain open until Sunday 17 February on Thursday from 17 to 19, on Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 19.


From the 19th century